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How does Sound Healing work? 

Everything in the universe vibrates at it's own unique frequency. So too do human beings. Certain factors can alter people's frequencies, (day to day stress, illness etc) You can re-tune a person's body back to health by sounding different parts & chakra centres it's own optimal frequency. You can do this by using the voice, singing bowls and other instruments. We are 75/8-% water which is a great for absorbing in positive sound. Think of how we react when we hear a favourite piece of music & how it makes us feel.  

What can Sound Healing help with? 

It is great to help with insomnia, depression, stress & anxiety, it helps with IBS, Asthma, headaches & migraines as well as sufferers of long term illnesses. It helps balance out chakra centres and clears stuck energy & mental/emotional blocks. It helps alleviate ascension symptoms such as fatigue & irritability. It helps you feel more grounded, centred & balanced within yourself.  

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Shamanic Healing. 

Have you ever felt like you are not moving forwards in your life? That you just don't feel like your old self anymore or that you are 'stuck' and you repeat old patterns? You could be suffering from Soul Loss. 

Soul loss happens when we go through a series of traumatic events in our lives, for example, a car accident, a fall down the stairs, divorce, serious illness or simply a big house move can all create soul loss. When some of these events build up and you don't get chance to process them then a Soul retrieval session would be beneficial. 

Each session is done in ceremony. You will be smudged with sage or incense, I call in sacred space & then work with Power animals to go & retrieve your lost soul parts. These are spiritual helpers & they work very instinctively. They know exactly what is right for you to take back at that particular time for you. Once they bring the parts back to me, I will then blow these back into your body & seal it all in with a rattle. Songs are also sung as part of the ceremony. 


The great thing about this session is it can also bring parts back which were lost in past lives. This often helps to mend the pathway of our future timeline. For you receiving the treatment, it is relaxing and calming. There is a certain amount of integration that happens once you go home. You may find there is a bit of emotional release that occurs but just bear in mind that it's all part of the healing process. You will hopefully feel the shift of this session & start to feel like you are moving forwards again.  

Soul Energy Release. 

When a relationship forms & people connect so too do their energies. We often celebrate a union in two people by them getting married or having a hand-fasting celebration. People can form strong bonds like a mother-daughter relationship &/or brother-sister relationship. When you spend time with these other people your energies get intertwined together. 

When these relationships turn sour in western society what we tend to do is to is separate from each other. If you were once married then you would get divorced. If you are in another type of relationship then you might agree to spend time apart. This is fine but your energies are still interlinked together. This can be very toxic forming & can result in you not being able to move forward in your life.

In Shamanic cultures what they will do is facilitate a ceremony to release these energies from each other.  In this session I use pure quartz crystals & will place them on the body in order to help release the other person's energy from your body & soul. You can also ask for the other person's energy to be released & to come back to you. Once this is done rose quartz is placed on the body so that loving energy replaces the gaps that have been left behind. When you remove energy you always put good energy back in it's place. 

Removal of Intrusions. 

Often when a person is missing a guardian spirit or his vital essence there is an opening in the body. Since the universe cannot stand a void, something might come up in to fill up that space. Shamans might perceive a spiritual intrusion that has entered into a client who is missing power and vital essence.

Spiritual intrusions come from negative thought forms. In indigenous cultures people understand the difference between expressing energy and sending energy. In the West we often do not understand the difference.

It is important for us to express our anger, frustration, sadness, etc. But we often send these energies to ourselves, others, and into the environment like a psychic arrow. And these energies can create what shamans call spiritual intrusions.

The signs of a spiritual intrusion would be a localised problem such as localised pain or some form of cancer. As shamans do not distinguish between emotional and physical illness a spiritual intrusion might manifest as chronic anger or depression.

In order to remove an intrusion I used the help of shamanic stones. I will drum & ask my Spirit Elders where to place these stones on the body. Then in ceremony, I drum & rattle in order that the intrusions will be safely & easily absorbed from the person & into the stones. These stones are then removed & cleansed & placed on Mother earth for grounding & transmutation. 


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency & vibrations." - Nikola Tesla.  

"Great Spirit, teach me how to trust my mind, my heart, my intuition, my inner knowing, the senses of my body, the blessings of my Spirit. Teach me to trust these things so that I may enter my sacred space and love beyond fear, and thus walk in balance with the passing of each glorious Sun.  


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