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Reiki Drumming & Crystal Healing. 

Reiki Drumming

Reiki Drumming is a unique healing method that combines Reiki energy with the power of the Drum. 
Drumming has been used for thousands of years by indigenous cultures all over the world. The Celts, Native Americans, Mongolians, British, have known that drumming is an incredible spiritual tool for raising energy & for healing the body, both physically & mentally.

Reiki means Universal life-force. It is widely used to help heal people physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually.
Combining these two therapies creates the Reiki Drum technique – a way of introducing Reiki energy into a person's aura to bring about deep relaxation thereby releasing blocked emotions, physical tension & reminding the body of it's optimum vibration. There are many scientific studies which show that drumming can reduce blood pressure levels, create pain relieving enorphins naturally in the body & can induce the 'alpha state' brainwaves associated with well-being & deep relaxation.

I can do 3 different types of treatment. One is a Reiki Drum healing. The Second is the Mental/Emotional re-programming technique which is a way to reduce or emliminate bad habits & negatives mind-sets & the third is the Reiki Drum journey, used to facilitate altered consciousness & to access any information for a change in any area of their lives.
I had the great privilege of being trained with Sarah Gregg who first introduced Reiki Drumming into the UK. Sarah is an experienced Reiki Master & Sound Healer who studied with Michael Arthur Baird, the originator of Reiki Drumming. Sarah does many therapies including Gong healing, Reflexology, Massage to name but a few.


Crystal Healing - 

Crystal healing is an holistic & vibrational therapy whereby the practitioner will tap into the person's body & decide where to place the healing crystals to clear blockages or lift stuck emotional energy. 

Crystals take millions of years to form underground and it's believed they hold vibrational qualities depending on the minerals it's made from & the conditions that caused it to form. 

By placing crystals on or around the body you are affecting a positive change in the client's well-being by allowing the crystals to cleanse, balance & direct vibrational energy where it's needed. 

During the Covid pandemic I had extra time on my hands & decided to study crystal healing with the New Skills academy. I am finding it a lovely addition to the Sound & Shamanic treatments that I now am offering people. 


Reiki Healing - 

Reiki is an ancient method to activate & harmonise your own natural life energy. It was rediscovered by
Dr Mikao Usui (1865 - 1926) after years of researching its Indian & Tibetan origins.
Reiki is Japanese for 'Universal Life Force' and during a reiki treatment the practitioner opens up and becomes a channel for this divine energy allowing it to flow through them & into the persons body by the laying on of hands. This treatment will kick-start your own natural self-healing powers and boosts your immune system.

Benefits of a Reiki Treatment:
Great for Stress & Anxiety, Deep relaxation, Boosts the immune system, Healthy mind-body connection, Detoxification & deep cleansing, Releasing emotions & energy blocks, Cleansing the Chakra centres, Compatible with many other forms of treatment, Supports one's own personal & spiritual journey.

 The Reiki Principles:
        Just for today I give thanks for my many blessings,
        Just for today I  let go of worry,
        Just for today I let go of anger, 
        Just for today I will do my work honestly, 
         Just for today I will be kind to my neighbour & every living thing.
This motto is a call to live in the present moment - to live in the here & now & to treasure everyday you have as special & amazing. 

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency & vibrations." - Nikola Tesla.  

"Great Spirit, teach me how to trust my mind, my heart, my intuition, my inner knowing, the senses of my body, the blessings of my Spirit. Teach me to trust these things so that I may enter my sacred space and love beyond fear, and thus walk in balance with the passing of each glorious Sun.  


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